A tower defense game named Steel Menace with four unique levels developed by four different game developers named Andrew Korman, Jacob Olson, Dennis Cooney, who are all currently enrolled at Southern New Hampshire University.

Andrew Korman developed level 1 of Steel Menace. Jacob Olson developed level 2 of Steel Menace. Dennis Cooney developed level 3 of Steel Menace. 

The setting/story of our game steel menace is that a military powerhouse is invading our home country and we need to add some steel to our defenses to prevent them from taking over and conquering our home.

The goal of the game is to place multiple turrets by using the in-game currency which you can acquire more of by defeating enemies and to prevent every single enemy from making it through the designated path, you can place turrets on the map by right-clicking on the multiple different platforms spread out across the map.

Andrew's feature was to prevent the player from placing towers so that they wouldn't overlap with each other.

Jacob Olson's feature was the increasing difficulty, making the enemies spawn faster.

Dennis Cooney was unable to develop an additional feature at this time.